Dr. Isolde Hertess (MED0001372020)
Dr. Hertess has been a resident of Cairns for over 25 years. She established Cairns Plastic Surgery in 1993 and has had a profound commitment to Cairns. She is a Melbourne university double graduate obtaining Bachelor of Science (BSc) prior to her medical degree (MBBS).
After 8 years of post graduate training in hospitals across Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane, she earnt the position as a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
In 2019, Dr. Hertess had to relocate to the Gold Coast to care for an elderly mother. She is now in a position to continue her commitment to Cairns in a visiting capacity.
Dr. Hertess is consulting from Ramsay Consulting Suites (193-197 Lake St.), downstairs from where Cairns Plastic Surgery was located. She will be offering sugrery at Cairns Private Hospital.
Dr. Hertess has private consulting rooms in Benowa, Gold Coast and offers surgery at John Flynn Hopsital (Ramsay) and Miami Private Hospital. Surgery is available on the Gold Coast for people wishing to take advantage of travelling to the Gold Coast.
Her interest in cosmetic breast surgery : breast reduction/lift, implant removal (explant), implant replacement, breast augmentation, combined breast augement/lift, gynaecomastia.
Dr. Hertess is very passionate about skin cancer medicine and has had extensive experience with skin cancer detection and removal.
She holds an Australian Dermatology Diploma and is currently completing her Masters in Medicine in skin cancer at the University of Queensland.