Cairns Private Hospital
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Orthopaedics Blog

Understanding joint pain

Joint pain can be quite common, so we chatted with a couple of specialists from Cairns Private Hospital to learn more about potential causes and responses...

Getting moving to help joint pain

There’s much said about the value of exercise for a healthier mind and cardiovascular system, but it can also help your joints, as specialists from Cairns Private Hospital explain...

Preventing and managing sports injuries

When it comes to sport, there is more to injury treatment than remembering ‘RICE’ – rest, ice, compression, elevation. Being able to identify an injury early and responding to warning signs is important, says Cairns Private Hospital orthopaedic specialist Associate Professor Michael Reid.

Pioneering Cairns surgeon celebrates diversity

Dr Sarah Coll may have been just the second woman in Queensland to become a Fellow of Orthopaedic Surgery when she launched her career around 20 years ago, but it’s the diversity of her work in the far north and her passion for rural surgery that’s kept her local.